Sunday, 4 January 2015

Bone Dance shake those crazy thoughts and dream.

Heya sleepy heads,

This a bit of a different post today.

I will be attending a festival later this year and the theme is called Bone Dance.

Yes, I am putting that out there LOL.

I had mentioned in a post that what comes to mind when I hear Bone Dance in my experiences things attached to death come to mind.

I wanted to expand that thought but did not want to put it on Face Book as it was not the place to do it.

Bone Dance is practiced in many different cultures in one form or another. The link above explains several examples of it so I am not really going to repeat thoughts already presented there.

For me, I already sort of incorporate a lot of those ideas into my lifestyle already.

I have felt with the way things are in society that we are all the same core being. Take away race, gender, social position we are basically water and carbon.

I have really tried over the last few years of my self-exploration to take away the judgement that is so popular and common about humanity as a whole.

Also, Death is part of a cycle of the natural world. I already have accepted a lot of the concepts that are not part of Bone Dance exactly, but relate to the aspects of it on a daily basis.

I pay homage to the dead, blood and family as they came before us and through their lives I can relate or draw upon their lives. We all have our time on Earth to live or dance through or as part of my culture or spiritual path. Music and culture have and will always play a large role as part of this.

Death has often been seen as a certain ending, with it things stop. Actually we continue to be active beyond death as our bodies go back into the Earth creating material which to create a life from.

The end of a life is a beginning of something else. Not always about being reborn but providing the energy to be available for something new.

There is an odd sense of loss that the World has adopted into society today that we must be sad and grieve over those who pass on.

My thought is they should be remembered and honored not be a memory or forgotten. Celebrate some part of the life while they were here.

Not everyone is someone that people do want to have any part of or they were that great a person. At least wish the next life to be better for them. Be thankful for what knowledge or lessons you have learned. This echo will continue on in your own life and beyond.

So that is about it for now. The past is where you came from so that the future can be what you make it.

Sandman out.