Hey got something to get off my chest,
Been doing online reading on my diagnoses on a few things. As I have been questioned on or heard people wondering what is up with me.
How I act and interact with people is strange but functional. I know this a million times over. I only address it like this when it is important to me for all of you to know.
Sadly, every few years I am called out or disregarded in general. I really don't care too much about it. Not like I can throw a switch and oh everything is normal.
I wish what I have was silly and dumb and fake as over the years people have claimed. I can't fake what I have or keep it hidden. Unless you talk to me about what I have going on, whatever you hear is to be taken with a great deal of bs and rumour.
Awareness is a big part of my life, I sleep thinking about it and do it daily with people as I have to to represent myself. I have grown tough skin and I cope in ways that boogle most people including Doctors and other medical Professionals.
Honestly confront me, awareness starts with hearing seeing and understanding. I try to do what I can, if that is not good enough for you that is your problem cause i will gladly trade for an hour what I have for an hour of peace.
The other thing, I am damn tired of hurtful words coming from good people about other good people. It is the same thing in the end and should be no surprise that everyone talks or thinks about others, all the time. Only difference is some people have respect of what their words may do to others. Others do not. So enough is enough.
Yes, I am guilty of it as well cause bloody shocking I am no angel. But I do it so rarely and in response to the small bit I hear said about me. It make me sick and stressed when I do it cause it hurts to say anything. IT HURTS people bloody remember that.
Well there you have it.
Sandman out.
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