Monday, 9 February 2015

Operation me

Greetings to the sleepy and tired.

I have been doing of thinking the last while about my place in the world.

Then I stopped for the first time in a long while. By stopped, I mean this is a pretty constant thing to check in with "Where am I?".

I am in all honesty where I should be. In spite or against the popular view that you must keep growing and learning and exploring or even building your life.

We all have the tools to live our lives, Life is the canvas in which to create and if willing share it with others.

The world is what it is, surprise you can not change to make fit to your life, but you certainly have to fit in it.

Am I saying the same idea over again yes, cause it needs to be said in several ways as we all think different.

I never expect at this point in life someone to understand what I write. I just think it is cool to respect that I can write anything at all.

There are many days when I drug myself to mask all that is going on and going out and interact with the world. Now drugged in the sense I take many pills to combat or balance the shit I have going on. But this is ongoing and is not ever going to change.

My wants and needs are solely based on how I function in the world of the Norms as I think of them.
The everyday Joe or Joans out there. Who live one life in one direction and have the family and a life that can be discussed simply and it is good overall and then you get latest disease and you are buried 6 feet under!

Woot for them, for the rest of us we do things ass backwards we fight and struggle for often an unreachable normal life.

My life, as I can not speak for others. Is a whirlwind of never-ending chaos with a healthy dash of the unknown. I it is day by day for me, recently they have been pretty good and dare I say close to normal.

However, I can not afford to ease up or let things go or things go spinning pretty darn quick. Kinda like the train of the tracks but in 3D.

What does all of this mean?

Well that I am going the right direction, been fixing somethings to live a less complicated life. Making a real effort to be healthy and in shape. And lastly comfortable in the fact it no longer matters what the world is doing. It only matters what I am doing in the world.

So begins my first mission for the be your own one person army. I am going to call it Operation Me.

Thanks for reading.

Sandman getting his things and hitting the road to the gym. Word

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