Wednesday, 30 April 2014

HAWMC Day 28-30

Hello, Day Dreamers

So, I am behind and still can't get photos to work so I am instead doing a 3 for 1 catch up session.

This summer I will be catching up with friends starting new traditions getting into more balanced shape in mind soul and body.

I have always loved the great outdoors even if I did not always understand the awesome transcendence and peace that is being one with nature.

There is something very calming and peaceful about sitting in a forest just taking it all in. And that folks is what have been doing more of each of the last 6 years. It is my stress buster it is my real free therapy it grounds my for the chaos of the small town gossip and concrete hell of the big city.

I am free to be myself no tree or rock can tell me to be anything but me, millions of things to lean on for support and you fail and it does not cause you injury nothing cares.

To my young grasshopper self, you don't know what awaits you in the future, but please understand all you are worried about means nothing, make your choices you made and enjoy them even more than you know how.

I would change my direction in schooling to helping children rather than health care. Child care can be stressful but it won't take the same toll as health care will. Do keep in touch with your inner child you loose it and end up in a very dark place.

Yes Mom and Dad will get you eventually they are far cooler than you will ever give them credit for and you will end up teaching them rather them teaching you.

You will develop a crazy amount of friendships that will be very dear to your heart and painful when they leave.

Know this, whatever happens no matter the distance or time yes you do matter to people and they will remember you long after you forget them, your legacy was so profound by what you did in your childhood that it will ripple into and serve you well into being an adult.


You are far more amazing than you will ever even imagine, see and do things few people will ever do in their lives and you will reaper the experience and knowledge of this and it will give more courage to do what you must do in the coming years.

Ok don't worry about girls so much it is always a work in progress, your heart is a good one and well is so unique that it will take sometime before someone sees the richness that it is and lets you stay awhile. It is what it is don't sweat it.

I am writing to you cause you lose yourself in about 11 years and only find yourself again by the age of 35 it is ok you need this time to recreate yourself several times over.

Your thoughts and your words are your personal mark on this world you keep on thinking and writing words it will matter one day. In those lost years you stop using your voice and nearly fade away totally.

Hope is what it is even in a world that has no clue about what it knows about you. You get blessed with a profound and deep understanding of your inner self and then in touch with your inner child to see the beauty and wonder again in a rather bleak and oppressive world. You are part of those who break the mold of normal and blaze bravely forward on their own.

You are your own one person army and no one can stop or take that away. Go live the life you want.

That is all for me for now.

Sandman Out

Sunday, 27 April 2014


Book Report. What’s your favorite book and how can you tie to your health
or life?

Hello, night owls and early birds.

I don't do book reports, cause I can never choose a favourite book.

But I can pick a book I really like and totally relate to it.

The Green Mile by Stephen King

I know strange choice but not really, ya I am a white guy, where John Coffey was black but his character suits me perfectly.

No I have never been to jail, but at times I feel my body is locked down with being tired and worry so brutal I do feel like I am in my own personal cell.

Now he was accused of murder when in fact he tried to help, but based on the colour of his skin and his large size he was falsely charged. But in actual fact he had the heart of of a mountain. Was able to heal but pay a price for doing so. I was in the health care field but the shifts and the constant grind agitated surface health issues into full blow problems. All I wanted to do for the longest time was help people and instead was the person that needs the help.

Also I am a bigger man so I have felt many times misjudged for who I am based on appearance. I was bullied and oppressed when I was younger by the kids and an education system that just did not understand.

Many times it showed he was misunderstood, show a unfaltering kindness for nature and for those in pain. Something I have always been, wanting to end the suffering of others. I have a deep personal connection with the natural world I visit and immerse myself with as much as possible. His connection even though with a mouse was a very powerful one.

The book had a sense of justice about it as well, you will get what is coming to you feel. Based on actions taken and words said both negative and positive.

And even though things did not come to good ends in the story, I have fought many years to get some happiness back into my life. To reclaim what I have lost and to define who I am as a person.

I am also not an angry man but am full of passion and emotion.

In recent years though things have been getting better though not perfect but not worse at least. I am trying my best to keep myself functioning as well as possible. And more days than not I am happy.

To the spirit of those like the character of John Coffee I want to know you are not alone and we all have a lot to learn from quick judgement, and assumption of others. Peace to you :)

that is all I have for tonight, Sandman out.

Friday, 25 April 2014

HAWMC Day 25

Hello sleepy heads,

Yes I am back and ready to talk about fitness and road to a better life.

 Fitness Friday. What do you do to stay fit? Tell us about your efforts in
maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Well this is a good topic to come back on after a few days break. I am still having issues posting pictures on hear so Wednesday did not happen and Thursday I opted to not write cause I was too tired and was running around most of the day.

So today is make up time for that lapse, I have just completed a fitness program to pre-empt any heart issues I may have as I get older, the program was an intensive 4 months of learning how to better look after myself.

The results are quite noticeable, the program focused on stretching, weight train and aerobic exercises, as well as an education program for other helpful things. Such as dieting, heart function, exercise planning, food choice.

So I have been doing a lot lately to improve every part of my life.

Now that it is over I now have to keep it going and so far not too bad, signing up for a gym is taking longer than I thought but I have been walking lots, and have developed a base program to keep me going until i get going on heading to the Gym..

I already have been feeling better, now with the nicer weather things are only going to get more active.

My goal is to get up 10000 steps a day a goal I was not able to get to in the program, get a membership at a local fitness centre and get moving with that and start reducing the food portion I have been having even more.

My goal by the end of the summer is to loose 5 lbs and keep it off. then progressively loose more weight until my goal of loosing 20 lbs. If I can do that it would help a great deal.

So that is what my fitness has been like in the last little while.

The better shape I am in the better life I will have overall.

I already feel a million percent better. Have been trying very hard to keep things going :)

Should be great, will be doing a fair bit of camping this summer so that should be a really go change I can not wait :)

Any who that is what I have been up to for fitness and improving my life lately.

Pumping you up I am zee Sandman saying good day and rest well.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

HAWMC Day 22

Hobbies! We at WEGO Health love hobbies. Tell us, what are YOUR hobbies?
Are you a rock collector? Scrapbooking? Photographer? Dancer? Share your


Yes I has things I can totally show and tell.

You have already seen some of my poems that I have written so I won't put up today.

Hobbies collecting Rocks for sure, wood working for sure, poetry I do quite a bit as well, cooking mmmmmm.

So for some reason I can't post pictures today so.

I guess that is it for today frustrating big time. Sad panda

So Sandman out

Monday, 21 April 2014

HAWMC Day 21

Reflection. This is a day to reflect. For the WEGO Health family, we reflect on
those who lost loved ones in the Boston Marathon Bombing last year and
hope for a bright future for those impacted. Reflect on your journey to this
day, what are your thoughts and hopes for the future?

Hello, it is too early to be up and not enough pick me up and get going peeps.

Reflection on a senseless act of violence hurting and killing for no reason.

My heart goes out to the families affected by the bombings last year.

I think today I will use a poem I wrote that went to last years Narcolepsy international conference for and art display for Narcolepsy awareness. The theme was Dreams, this was my offering that was picked to go.


I have a Dream to have good days again,
To pick myself back up when I fall again,
To realise the strong friends I have,
Know a hand up is not a hand out,
Courage in the face of all fear,
Live not in hell but in peace again,
For people around me to understand me,
To continue to fight for the best life,
To shake the hand of Harmony,
To dance forever with Balance,
Play games with Justice, smiling,
Tell Regret to pass me by not wanted,
Love to give me a fair chance again,
Make unpopular choices and come out on top,
Dreams are possible cause it is yours,
No one can take it away cause you own it,
Live the dream if it fits your life,
Love the love you feel is right,
Remember all of those who did you wrong,
Walk away and always be strong,
I Have Dream, it is yours to pass along,

I think that is a good one, I look back on it often. Dreams and goals are something no one can take away from you cause it is yours to create and to fulfill.

It hit directly on how chronic illness can steal parts of your life you wish you could have but accept that your cards are always on the table and you need to create the best hand possible in an often uncertain and murky path through life. 

I have done well, I won't say it has been fun. But my victoires out weigh my losses. 

It has taken me years to regain the happiness that was stolen from me many years ago but I has it back and I am making the needed adjustments to keep it that way for many years to come.

Anywho that is pretty deep for a Monday lol

Sandman is leaving the building peeps.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

HAWMC Day 20

Travel Time. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you
go? Why? We also know traveling with a chronic illness can be challenging, so
any tips for others that you can share would be great

Well been places, but you know cause I have no money and been to the places I want to go.

I am cool with staying local. I know O.O

Why cause it is an crazy to plan a road trip an hour away.

So it is life event to go anywhere more than a few hours away. Airports make me something something crazy.

So, I love to explore the places around me and that is ok cause I love exploring places.

With that said, issues of travel, medication worries, planning worries, worry worries, am I going to die, am I going to maim the customs people with their dumb questions.

I travel with my family cause I needz my safety blanket. I trust no one but my family and the people I travel with on road trips. Can't get any simpler than that.

The other reason is that Canada eh, it is a big country don't ya know eh!

So many places to go within only an hour of me it is wonderful really :)

So there is the short and skimpy on my travel time :)

Sandman Out.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

HAWMC Day 19


Lesson Learned. What’s a lesson you learned the hard way? Tell us a time
when you made a mistake and promised never to make that same mistake
again. Write about it for 15 today.

So, I have been sitting here for 15 minutes trying to think of something, anything worth writing about for today.

The thing is I am not one for making promises to myself the to not do something again.It is impossible for me to commit to something like that. 

Hitting the big red button is part of life, mistakes spark learning about the world and growing as a person.This in turn causes solution of creative ideas to better your life as a whole. 

I truly feel that, inspiration and innovation come from what we don't do right and the ripple effect done correctly often results in more self awareness. 

But I have to come up with something, chirp....chirp...chirp

SO, here it is this last year I learned that Drew needs to stay in Drew's own epically cool bubble of goodness and not have any deep meaningful connection with either toxic to me people or toxic to me other people's shit issue piles. 

So that has been my mission for this year to work on the skills I need to not get involved in stuff that is not my business in the first place because there is nothing I can fix or do about it.

Part of this is saying and stand behind saying no to BS. And no one is immune to this, cause I can't have this crap in my life anymore cause it makes all my shit going on millions of times worse. 

I have no issues walking away anymore from something that is going to cause fear or stress to me. Honestly I should have done this many years ago. Accept that for the above part of this post if I had not come to this conclusion I could have never made the changes I have to make my life better, and be happier with who I am right now.

So, to end this Shit happens I just make sure I it is my own shit I deal now and not other people's shit.

Sandman out, Peace

Friday, 18 April 2014

Hello crack of dawners,

5 Challenges & 5 Small Victories. Make a list of the 5 most difficult parts of
your health focus. Make another top 5 list for the little, good things (small
victories) that keep you going.

So this is the task at hand for today's topic.

1. Stigma- The world is a hard place to live, everyone has their own pile of issues and complications. It is a mad, mad world out there.

Then for a second pretend that you have years of training in the medical field, expectations pile on like an unwanted dog pile. And after fighting through the training to become a health professional wham your ability to do what you are trained to do is stripped away for you and you become a danger to be in the profession that was going to set you up for life.

Then accepting that you have step down from this cause you know it is the right thing to do. And seek help for support. So you go from calling the shots on people's health and healing to barely able to function and think hey everyone will understand my situation.

 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, not a small chance in hell did that happen, questions and defending my decisions and guilt piled on me for my choices and what is wrong with you look are smart and can do anything, you just need a break, oh maybe you can just get a part time job, oh wasted all that school you are a loser, why are sleeping and doing nothing at home but sleeping what are you brain dead or something. 

I have had to creep up from under level of rock bottom, to get where I am fighting all the way, pride bruised and humbled daily by the lack of know that everyday is going to be different. Explain that to people hundreds of times over. Why it is they are "Supporting me" with their hard earned money? 

Yes, I wanted not to be able to stay awake, not sleep well, wake up in puddles of my own sweat, have cut out half the things I used to eat, suffer in the hot summer heat, not be able to hold down a job cause I would break down. Not be able to do employment screening tests cause my mind blanks. But ya I look ok lol.

2. One little, two little, three little, four little, five little, six little health issues. I am seen even by Doctors and hospitals as a "special complex case" I feel like an X-man if I ever need to go to the Emergency cause often I am used as a education opportunity as I have a few wonderfully unique things going on. So unless I am bleeding out, or dying I have to wait as they put the medical puzzle together look things up and cross of everything first before they actually get to my problem. This tacks on hours to my already hours of waiting to get help. I will let you know I only go if it is absolutely needed so I am already in bad shape when I get there.  I don't need nor want to be treated any differently.

3. Poor understanding and education of health care professionals, wait what you say. It is a fact that all my "wasted" medical knowledge diagnosed 3 out the 6 issues I have. What? yup that is right not doctors, myself. Normal health care plans do to apply because no doctor can get a handle on all I have going on. Even my family Doc has admitted that she is uncomfortable dealing with my case without the assistance of several specialists. I require a team of experts to look after me. This is a waste, if the proper awareness, support and the removal of ignorance existed. I would not require half the crap I require.  

4. "Support" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you live in Canada what is your problem you looked after. HAHAHAHAHAHA, if you mean able to live month to month with boo all sure I suppose. Yes there are those that play the game of give me a free ride cause I have a hangnail, but there are hundreds more who truly need the help. I want to work, but am not confident that I could sustain functioning long enough to keep employment. Even on my best days anything stressful or rapid change I do not function well.By that I mean I freak out and shut down.

5. Money, yes I know everyone has this issue. Yes but when everyone is telling you to do this and that, ok where is the money to do these this what non existent program do I sign up for honestly. Really you think I would not do more if I had more, I am the one with the issues here but I wonder who is got the issues. Deep Breath

Ok so that list is over yays woot woot.

1. Awareness- I have spent many years working on acceptance of my situation and now I am ready to open minds and shock sleeping giants into action. I am doing whatever I can to educate and bring awareness to my issues. I look and for the most part act normal. But at the end of the day when I sit down or pass out with dealing with the outside world I am spent, I have very little left to enjoy half the stuff I really want to do in a day. I live very simply, cause it easier to manage and focus. And this took many years and huge changes to achieve. I am very proud of where I was to where I am today and will never go back but always forward.

2. I have with great care and work gotten complex me under wraps, oh the balancing act of each day is harder than everyone can imagine. I do a very good job of it, and am learning to be less hard on myself and more open to my own strengths.

3. I can not rely on conventional medical wisdom, I have to listen to my own body and do what is needed under the close eye of a doctor. Why not, that is what they are over paid to do after all. But no they certainly do not have all the answers. Nor are they right half the time. If you fall within a mold of a wonderful little health plan that they know in their sleep all is good. Anything outside of that, a lot of guess work is involved.

4. Support- I am here today because of the support I do get above and beyond what the government gives me. I am hundreds of times blessed by friends and family that have helped me more than I could ever repay. 

5. Self worth and knowing that an illness is just a word, is far more valuable than any form of money. Cause it is true that if you look after yourself first then everything else will improve. Maybe not where you think you should be or want but it will open more doors than not. I have never let everything going on stop me from doing things I want to do, just may take years instead of months. 

Be your own, one person army, Sandman out.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

HAWMC Day 17

T.V. Mash up day hello.

So I am going to say what my show that I can relate to but as to having people I know stand in as the characters not going to happen.

My life is a T.V. Real show, I have enough real people in my life that are all unique in the roles that they have played in my life.

I would not want to sub in fake characters to play their roles as that does not do them justice for what my friends and family mean to me. They are real people and I like them for that very reason.

Nor would I change a show I like cause I like the characters just the way they are. When I watch a show I want it to be a distraction from reality for a short period of time. Not turn my own life ahhhhhhh what the heck.

So no I will not ruin my distractions with my reality, my life is unique enough thank you very much :)

I honor and value the people in my life and are not replaceable not at all, not ever.

Sandman signing out,

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

HAWMC Day 15

Hello, everyone hope things are good :)

“Health tagline” Give yourself, your blog, your condition, or some aspect of
your health a tagline. Make sure it’s catchy!

So it begins, as the days get deeper into the months the prompts get tougher. And so they should be getting harder to keep us on our toes. Today is a fine example of I have not got a clue how to attack this topic time.

So I thought on this all day what am I going to do.

Then I realized I have already mentioned my tagline several times already.

I am, a one person army, this has a story behind it.

I know, at some point in your life a song has come up that has sparked or inspired you the reader to be happy or write something or explore the artist more cause it was cool enough to check it out.

That is where my tagline origins are from a song. The Killers wrote a beauty called I got soul but not a soldier.

I am not a fighter but boy do I have a lot of Soul, the daily struggles, fighting my body to work the way I need it to, fighting sleep attacks daily, beating down stigmas and labels. Enjoying the little victories (yes total setup for later this week :) ) I have achieved over the years.

The video to this song is a dream which is a huge part of my life, my reality vs lala land.

It is all about, owning your life and if you want to do some thing it is going to require a fight to get it. No one is going to understand how and what you want than, well you.

Be that one person army to boot down the walls that is holding you back, get up and face the day, win that support you need, stand up for yourself when someone questions your needs and why even if people can't see what is going on let them know to dispel any and all assumptions they might have about you. Be willing to let people into your bubble to stand with you.

So what are you waiting for just go do it already you will thank yourself later :)

Grrrrr, Sandman signing off to go kick some serious ass.

Monday, 14 April 2014

HAWMC Day 14ish

Hello, Sleepy heads

Hi, um yay this is late but was really busy today.

So today what was some of the worst things you have been told about your health status.

I can recall like it was yesterday, messed up stressed to inhuman levels wondering what was going on, why was I not getting up not able to move 10, 20, 30 mins in mornings why was I always waking up in pools of sweat, why did I have no energy, where did my life go?

Oh the solutions from the simple to the complex, everyone had an answer. None of them helpful, none of them worked, depression set in, work I enjoyed became a burden to do. I knew I was in trouble, more than I ever care to admit. Then I decided to try and get help. Test after test, AIDS screening, a multitude of things what could be wrong?

Years like this, my personal hell, then answers like Sleep Apnea, your heart is beating strangely, Narcolepsy, Diabetes and then the icing on the cake Non-Verbal Learn Disorder. Which falls under the Autistic Spectrum. 4 years solid of hearing bad news after bad news. The worst of it came when a Doc looked at me right to my face and said you are a nearly 325 lbs man you just need to stop being lazy, lucky you are young cause if you were any older you would be dead right now. Nothing could or will ever top that comment made to me.

My personal hell, took me to places I never dreamed I could go, but somewhere in me that day when the Doc said to me, I got mad and plenty of that anger was directed at the haters, the pushers of my mental state to the brink but not to the bottom. I crawled back from anger, despair, loneliness, to find hope. I kept fighting year after year get back on top end my long unending hell. Me die, Hell no I still had dreams to reach people to meet and places yet to go.

I lost so much time in those years in fear and self hate I stopped being me lost in worry that I would not wake up the next day. I developed a mild anxiety to mix into the mess.

Today I can tell you I am not dead. I have never been more alive now than ever before. I go at my own pace within my own limits and do what I can and thank my blessing each and every day.

I still struggle daily, but I am fearing for my future, I am now fighting to win it back.

Hey Doc how you like me now you rude bastard, how dare you say that to someone. I do thank you though for being an ass cause it shocked me back into reality. As cruel as it was, it was a rallying point in my life.

I have kept going and have no regrets and let nothing stand in my way cause everything can be knocked down and dreams rebuilt.

You are your own personal army go and take back the life you deserve :)

Booyah, Sandman out

Sunday, 13 April 2014

HAWMC Day 13

These are a few of my favourite things.

Hello, people young and old.

So, today we talk about our favourite things.

Good food, the odd glass of Wine, the company of good friends, spend time with my family, watching my cat doing crazy things, camping, long walks or hiking in the woods, collecting Rocks, shiney things, animals, watching live music or theatre (yes you know not computer stuff I know right lol).

All these thing makes Drew a happy dude, I am not sure where I would be without them.

All these things are stress releases for me, unfortunately all needed for my sanity.

That is all I have today I am afraid. No worries will have a good one on Monday

Cheer from the Sandman

Saturday, 12 April 2014

HAWMC Day # 12


So free to talk about whatever day eh!

Sorry folks I have to be out of town and this is my post for today.

So I am MIA for today.

I will leave you this thought I wrote a few years ago about my struggles with adjusting to life.

I am not an illness, I have taken that and put it into a backpack it comes out every now and then I put it back in its place. I wear that little sucker on my back well as I have recognized it for what it is one part of thousands of parts to me. I show people the bag let them know what is inside and that every day it can be heavy or light. But it is not who I am, I know I have issues it is not who I am. I can and do put it aside for while.

The key is to look beyond that illness to the strength that lies beneath. 

14 years I have fought a very personal war with my mental and health issues. I am now just catching my breath for the first time in years.

Am I lost to the world or has the world lost me. I have no room in there for hate, pity, regret, labels people try to pin on me. 

I am human, I live my life at one speed slow and steady and get stronger every step I take. I will answer any questions asked of me, I will do what make me happy, and never will I be with people I do not want to be with.

I want to share my life with with people, to love and be held, to learn to relax again, and most important not to be invisible to the people who can help me the most.

I has to go going sorry for the short post 

Sandman Out

Friday, 11 April 2014

HAWMC Day 11

Hello, Sunshine lovers go play outdoors today :)

Ok with as much woot woot as I can about today's topic I will try to put what I can down for today's topic.

Date Night. We’ve seen some posts from Health Activists on dating tips when
you have a chronic illness. What tips do you have for those looking for the
one fish in this big pond?

I think it has been nearly 4 years since I have seen or even had a Date Night as most of my rare dates I have had. Are usually during the day for coffee, or maybe lunch.

I have been given a very loaded gun today for a topic.

Although I have been told I give the best relationship fixing advice I can't do dates let alone a relationship.

I have been told outright by my own family I should totally write a book about my past experiences with relationships.

It is not the fact I have multiple health issues, but the inability to hold down employment I think that hurts me more.

Ya you are likely thinking whoa off track dude.

Nope, I am good with myself at this point enough to know I have the world to offer to the right woman, where's the right woman.

Remember that movie Good Luck Chuck where the guy would break up with someone and then their lives would totally turn around and they meet the man of their dreams or would get better. Hi that is me.

Oh and it is not that I have not had my chances, hell I have had plenty of those, things can fall into my lap would not matter it I had all the luck in the world something totally crazy will come along and pow all gone and I am left there holding my poor heart in my hands.

So bad i could hit record on the top three excuses why relationships don't last. Oh you are recording number 3 break up, I got this just a sec while I hit play for you.

Deep breath, I did warn you this was a loaded gun right.

Dating for me is like walking through a field of landmines, walking backwards, blind folded. 

First advice, figure out what dating means to the woman you are taking out. Cause everyone has their own idea and expectations. And if you don't come even close to having the same view as her run far and fast. Save time and energy for someone who is at least on the same level with what you want or expect.

Second be open about the questions you might have that might impact any future meetings. And more importantly be open to hers. Listen to everything she has to say as it is all important on the first meeting. Eye contact, not boobs, not legs, not into your coffee, not at other women. 

Smile and breath for all that is holy do it. No sense in passing out, smiling at the very least keeps her guessing, is he always this happy? Man he is really digging me with his smile!

Find out her usual dress for such occasions, if you show up in a Tux and shows up with Daisy Dukes and a Cow Girl hat with Sexy on it, consider that a fail, amusing but a fail.Unless you are going to a costume party. 

At some point do something to make her laugh or at least make her smile. A funny story, animal noises, funny voices. But use it as very little as possible. I like giving women a sample of what I have to offer them not over doing it either. Nothing kinky, unless that is how she rolls ( it has happened). 

Best advice, be yourself and you can't be amusing, or witty, never something that puts you in a negative light, and certainly not acting in a way you are not at all like.

Take the lead always, smiling (again) have options ready even if you are not prepared or too nervous to think. 

Ok I think you get the idea.

Now the magic mystery issue, so you have a chronic illness eh. I have tried all sorts of techniques with this, there is no wrong way just better ways. My way is not say anything cause if the person is smart she will pick up on strange things like 15 secs seeing you. It is a fact, sorry guys a woman undresses you in about 10 seconds if you pass that coffee date will go well. Or she will not disappear at least. Most people will give each other a chance unless things really are not clicking. Or it is scary never underestimate the power of creepy vibes. 

 Play this by ear and go with the flow. It usually happens when the discussion of jobs comes up, cause you know it will. I am for most purposes a Jack of all trades and a master of none. My interests over the years have become my job, or my passion. Even though I can not work, I do enough knowledge related stuff I was trained for that I do. 

The way I work it out is this most people are about the whole picture, earning money is part of that but, so is personality, and physical appearance and wits.

I have the wits and the personality, I am a looking guy, I earn little actual money but am by no means lazy. 

My illness only become a topic of concern when I need to cross that bridge. I try to let the person see me first without knowing I have shit going on. Cause when I explain things, if they are smart things make sense to them. And then they can decide if it is to much or not. 

In the end and this is the part that matters and sucks the most all at the same time. If it is not meant to be it is not meant to be nothing can or will ever change that. Just keep swimming ( Ack) and someone come into your life will like who you are enough to put up with your crap and love the flaws and the super powers...err person you are. 

Ok, Sandman is needing food and sun badly has to go, see y'all on the flip side.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

HAWMC Day 10

And the winner is… You! You just won an award and are on stage, holding
your trophy. Write an acceptance speech. Who do you want to thank? How
did you get to where you are today?

Wow, I did not expect many other people have come before me in this grand stage of life.

I want to thank my Mom without her I would be the person I am today, my family for more support than group of people could ever give me, my friends both true to my heart and at large, you all share this moment with me.

I am humble to be but one small speck in the Universe people choose me for an award. I honor those that are no longer living with me but watch over me, I honor those yet to come into my life.

Thank you Universe that you saw fit to give me this fine reward for all my struggles, health bumps, set backs and small victories one by one.

I stand here, cause I never looked down on those in front of me and encouraged those behind me to come and join me. To not be alone but stand together to build a better place one tear, one drop of sweat, one drop of blood spilled. So that one day i can walk tall among those that lay the history to learn to write a new chapter, my chapter.

Bless you all and remember no matter how small a heart may be it is still able to move hearts and minds alike to take down walls and move mountains in the way and give and love with endless joy, ending sorrow and to live a life with all the beauty one soul can endure.

I thank you, many blessing to you all.

Sandman going to partay down.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

HAWMC day 9

Hello, you just lost the game haha

Picture day.

Easy one today, I look at this picture every so often and think. I am having a craptastic day but I am not this Cat.

Sandman Out


Off to work! What advice would you give to those on the job search? How do
you juggle your job and a chronic illness? Any tips for the interview?

Hello folks,

Ah work, I am just going to get the advice right out of the way.

Interview is much like the Game of Thrones series, the job can be cut away from you while you stand there or before you even arrive. Unlike everyone dying, your pride and dignity just might.

The interview is an intense office political game, where you have not only make something pretty for people to see you may have add some gold stars to what you can do very well.

You are a number, I don't do numbers very well but I do know is that if you present something new to people they might see your name, and if you show you are beyond the one liners like loyal, team player, and can use a computer. You might get a shot at the person next up on the hiring list.

Nerves will kill you take your time and get your points out slowly with some pauses cause you know if it looks practised like a million times. Be prepared show your nerves during the questions asked cause well that is a good way to not be jittery in the beginning.

Expect everything as far a interviewing methods, it is no longer a one on one process. Expect having to wade through several people before getting to the end boss with the magic signing pen.

Dress like you are already working there, income questions I go for 10 to 15% lower than the actually wage posted, like tipping wanting work up the price of your value. Shoot to high and you will be dismissed for expecting way to much off the hop.

Be yourself, not a unfeeling robot.

Job searching is in fact a job, it sucks, it is stressful with tears and a whole heart full of disappointment. Get it, got it, good. In the end you will be hopefully in your chair surrounded by staplers and other pointy objects.

Advice done, I can't juggle thew that part is over, my health is chemically designed to pooch most jobs. Or each day is vastly different. Some days I could run a company other days I am removing gum from the sidewalk. Balance is the whole key. Focus on something you know well, can actually do and show you are eager and happy about it, and give a pinch of passion about something. Keeps them guessing and likely makes others around you have a reason to smile, and maybe even saving their jobs in return. I need to know the limits vs. the job description as energy and focus are key. If that vibe is not happening I might as well stay home.

Am I working, my job is working to get me up to snuff as high as I can go. It is a full time life living in this complex organic machine.

I can not deal with stress well, I kinda shut down if it is bad enough.

The perks my payment instant emotional release, I am happy being me, I have tons to offer people, no worries about being fired, low stress, sick days are a standard thing and naps are Doctor ordered. Seriously that sounds mighty fine to me.

I would love to work outside my bubble but that is a bridge to cross later. I have Government support in place and am blessed with supportive and helpful family and friends.

So there you go just a little bit some tips and ideas I have.

Unfortunately I have been pretty tired writing this so I hope most of this makes sense :)

Sandman getting some food booyah.

Monday, 7 April 2014

HAWMC Day 7- Writey Write Write

Hello, I smell bacon

Why I write. Tell us why you write about your health. How long have you
been writing? What impact has it made on your life? Write for 15-20 minutes
without stopping

Awes only 15-20 minutes damit.

Well I wrote things long before my health hit the dumpster.

Actually funny thing is I was delayed in my writing skills as a wee lad so real writing, like the stuff you wanted to do did not happen until High School. Things sorta just flowed out natural like.

Then life happened, the daily grid school work and failed relationships mounted up to me having no time to write.

Then my health changed the course of everything, gone were my dreams, gone were my goals, and down I went into an ugly self denial cycle that crippled me for awhile, not my health but self expression and pride gone.

Then a real cool thing happened, I started ranting how the world around me was treating me, Then how I felt about that, then world issues, and so it went, Social Media saved more than any therapy or wonder drug could even hope for.

Then I fell into a trap because now I needed to give an opinion to everyone about everything, then started getting caught up in everyone else life and not my own, this had to stop. I started back off ranting, and changed direction more to awareness about myself.

 I am pretty messed up in that my illness has illness ok. Writing allowed me to see that and acceptance is one of the most powerful things you can do.

I am who I am and that is all that I am.

People to this day can not grasp that very simple idea.

I have a lot of clutter of stuff in my head, that needs focus or else I melt down. But I have wires crossed for focusing on that clutter into a understandable format for others to make sense of some of the odd and crazy things that come out.

I have been told that is part of my charm and who I am and that if people don't get it that is their loss.

I am not my illness, and my illness is not me.

I have pushed through a lot in my life. I did a crap ton of stuff before the age of 26 before the gears came to a halt. But it has taken me since that time to recreate who I am for the future and that has meant walking away everything I had, wipe everything clean and then accept it for what it was.

So people had questions I found the answers or customized them to fit my wonderfully muddled life. That in turn creates a very compelling story of struggles and success.

Hence my current focus has been to realize my own self worth again, writing helps with that.

I am, a one person army, only I can make the changes needed for me. Only I can best define me to the world around me. When I do that, the world becomes more aware that masks and mirrors do not exist but the human being that stands here is real, but has a different way of thinking and feeling than anyone else.

And you know what, it is awesome and I would not have it any other way.

That is why I write.

Sandman out :)

Sunday, 6 April 2014

HAWMC # 6-Sunday Dinner. Who are 5 people you’d love to have dinner with (living or deceased) and why?

Hello rise and shiners,

So, I looked at todays topic about a week ago and was like and on the 6th day I have a topic that is the bane of my existence, and the challenge has hit the fan so to speak.

And that folks is why this called a challenge ha ha!

Hmmmmmmm, tap out I must not, think on this I will.

Ok so here is the deal, everyone I have met or have yet to meet are valuable in shaping my life. Outside of that are the people, iconic historic figures and characters that have all influenced my life.

I can't just pick 5 people, it goes against my very fibre of who I am.

So it is Sunday, I send out and invite of intention to everyone I know, people I want to meet living and dead.

Then I would sit and wait for the first 5 people to show up, and that is who I would have for dinner. I mean share a meal with.

Is it crazy, nope not at all. Because what it means is the 5 most important people that walk through that door is who I need to talk to right now in my life, there messages will be the most important and value cause they made the effort to come and share a meal with me in a prompt manner.  

Outside of that is would just be that damn cool, and be so deeply entertaining that who cares honestly.

think about it, say it is my brother, James Bond, Elvis, John Wayne, and Edgar Allan Poe.

So that is it. A short Blog today folks.

Sandman has left the building

Saturday, 5 April 2014

HAWMC Day 5 Superpower Day. It’s a bird, it’s a plane it’s….you! If you had a superpower – what would it be? How would you use it?

Hello sleepy head and coffee junkies,

Today is the day I reveal one of my deepest and darkest secrets, so much so that not even I remember sometimes.

I might be a superhero, sad thing is usually I am so wrapped up with my own life that whatever powers I have are useless anyway.

I work in very simple steps wake up crawl out of bed, forget to feed the Cat, trip over the Cat which then jogs my grey matter. Damit feed the said Cat.

After that take meds, sit let my body depretzelize and oh look it is morning. Then count how much stuff I have to make my body function for, cause you know this is all about teamwork, mind body and spirit working as a whole package dealie.

Once that is out of the deal I reflect back to the last few days of fighting sleep vs zombie state vs energy levels. Figure out after the meds jump start me back in world what I need to do.

That is only the first ten minutes of my day.

Truth be told I am Atlas I carry my life like the world on my back. If I had any Super Powers I am not so sure I would be able handle it, I would break down under the intense responsibility, the world would watch my every move. Can you say instant panic mode.

I would have a Super Alter Ego that would be so good that even myself would not know what I could do to keep from crumbling from the inside out.

 I would need the SHA Super Heroes Anonymous.

Hi, I am Captain Cool Dude It has been 2 hours 5 mins and 34 seconds since I saved the kitten from the tree and it looked at me. I could not take it, I cried like a rain cloud in a tropical forest.

But if I had to choose anything, it would be a one shot deal, that I could send enough energy to every living thing to ease pain, hurt, disease, wounds, colds just enough by degrees that everything could have a better quality of life.

Then I could go back to drinking my tea, and thinking about life and forgetting where my phone was or Squirrel.

In finishing up all kidding aside, I have had to learn to be pretty cool with myself, become my own army in my struggles in life. Overcome things I have needed to and beat a hasty retreat from things I could not handle, and learn to be humble as I know I am just a tiny thing in the big old Cosmos ;) out there.

I am Juggernaut, I am unstoppable
Cheers folks

Friday, 4 April 2014

Day 4 of HAWMC- So you want to have a Theme song?

Hello sleepy Heads,

I have been working hard on today's topic.

Now I misread, the content of the topic today, so the product will be maybe a bit scary. Some of you might want to skip along to the end of the blog even.

Somewhere in my mind I thought OMG we have to take a song and music and make the Theme song to the Blog.

That right there is typical of my thinking, I have an interesting way of looking and reading things at times.

Music to me is a big part of my life. Make a song fit my blog is like wow that is cool never thought of that idea. Oh nos I hope it does not turn out badly. Then I settled down and realized this is meant to be fun and creative.

So I did exactly that, took a song and pretty much changed 85% of the lyrics to it to try to fit my blog.

If you are indeed offended at all by it I am sorry but my hope is this is how it relates to me and that is the way it should be.

I am very comfortable with myself and that includes my flaws as well. So for those that see this is a put down, it is more about fitting words in and making it somewhat work LOL. I have fun doing this and was a  challenge to be sure.

So lets to get down to it,

Song Choice: I need a Hero, the music stays the same.

Where has all the good sleep gone?
And where are all the Beds?
I'm no sleep-deprived Zombie!
Oh my God the costs,

Where's the Nurse with a red pill?
Is it late I can't tell?
Wish I could Dream at all,

I am abnormal, I'm going to be abnormal til' the end of my days,
I'm not that wrong,
People are never last,
And I'll fight for what's right till the end,

I am more than certain about this,
Loving the morning light,
And is it still today,
And should be simple and fun,


Shortly after midday,
I am seeing something strange,
It is not real and is creeping me out,

Crawling for the pill box,
Numbed with chills,
Will take an army,
To get me off my ass,


Outside I see sky above,
where the Sunlight blinds my sleepy eyes
In my muddled state,
My pills give me a kick,
I feel life come back in my veins,

Chorus repeat till you pass out it ends whichever comes first.

So there you have it lol.

Other songs that I would also work with my blog would stuff like, We are the Champions by Queen or Dark Horse by Katy Perry just to give you an idea.

So I hope you all enjoy while I go recover from this adventure.

Sandman's spoons are out, Peace.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Day #3 of HAWMC

Hello again,

Today is make a Keep Calm and Pass it on create a Logo day. The Flag cause I am from Canada, the ZZZs cause I suffer from Narolepsy and the blue background cause I am high functioning Autistic and it is the color for awareness.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Day #2 of the HAWMC-Wordless Wednesday

So hello,

Day 2 of the WEGO Blog Challenge- A picture is worth a thousand words.

Well I have to say I am slipping back into a more of a comfort zone today.

There was a time where I was kinda lost, i had just finished school and felt I had no outlet to focus on, my health was on the decline and I needed something anything to grab onto.

Hence my choice for the Picture I choose today is my Muse and it started a rekindled interest in writing and why I am even sharing my thoughts with you today. With this is a short poem I wrote, first of many over the years. It is about what I felt my role in life was to be.

Moonlight Guardian

I stand in the shadows in constant watch,

I am the strong, silent strength you never see,

I am the steadfast pillar, always ready to guide,

I chase the fear, worry and, pain away,

I am the soul searcher, loyal patience,

I always hunt those who would harm you,

I am the tenderness that keeps you warm in the darkest hour,

I am a fighter, a lover, a seeker of joy

I am the gatekeeper to a thousand dreams for which you are the key,

I am there always, just for you, the mirror of your soul

I am yours,

Moonlight Guardian

Well I know it is only supposed to be a picture today but this one required a little extra.

Sandman out.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Entry 1 of the HAWMC- Laughter is the best Medicine

Hello Sleepy heads,

Yes I am back, I decided to encourage...err challenge myself. I would enter a month long health activist blogging competition.

So for the month of April, each day I have to write something based on topics given by WEGO.

Today, is Laughter is the best Medicine,

For me, Life in general can be pretty funny.

I mean we all have our days where no matter what we do there is a storm cloud that follows us around. That can`t be helped. What can be though is the ability to find something during the day that for no fault of your own makes you laugh, or at least picks up your day.

Two of the best sources, and maybe a surprise to some of you is Kids, and pets.

Why you ask, you watch movies and TV for an escape. It costs you either money or time to do. Kids and pets however well it is random. Or not expected, a pleasant surprise or a situation that you totally think is going to work one way and ends up not at all the way it should be. Gold star awesome right there.

I don`t have kids, but have seen plenty of examples of kids saying or doing funny things. A list of things kids do that make me laugh, sulky faces, a baby's laugh, kids having conversations with toys, asking a kid about the conversation with the toys, kids eating birthday cake, giggle fits for no reason, singing a song and only knowing two words and making it up as they go, an adult trying to keep a straight face after punishing a kid. Sometimes that is a challenge in itself. Only for non life threatening, non serious things though. Like why did you put a frog down your sisters pants. Yes, they need to know it was not nice but honestly, that is pretty funny just not in the moment.

Pets well they are just amusing lets face it. Without them the world would be dull indeed, they provide unconditional love, and provide annoying but often amusing moments.

And for someone who values energy spent during the fighting sleep attacks and mad sugar cravings. They are the best distraction in the world, sometimes too much so. Like when you need to get anything done or go anywhere. But, stuff like a dog walking into a wall for no reason or a cat chasing a laser dot is good enough for a least a chuckle or two.

Today my Cat Myst wanted to chase a fly( yay a fly it means Spring is here) and well she is not a hunter, an explorer yes but not a hunter, her idea of chasing a fly is more like staring it down because surely it will die sometime right.

A matter of fact I had to at one point direct her to the fact it had landed on her head, as she was puzzled as to where it had gone.

 After about 10 minutes of failing to catch the fly she found a sunny spot had a nap and proceeded to start snoring. That amused me greatly lightened my day and put a smile on my face.

So, in this world of stress, long hours of work, sickness and an ever growing crazy world. Find something to distract or amuse yourself.

You can take a million pills to cure what ails you but sometime laughter is exactly what will help break stress, ease depression, provoke inspiration, ease tension, help your body relax. And it can make everyone else around you feel better as well cause everyone enjoys seeing someone enjoying a moment and smiling.

So, that is it for today, for the future I hope to show you small glimpses of my life through each of the 30 now 29 topics.

Well till next time Sandman signing off.