Sunday, 6 April 2014

HAWMC # 6-Sunday Dinner. Who are 5 people you’d love to have dinner with (living or deceased) and why?

Hello rise and shiners,

So, I looked at todays topic about a week ago and was like and on the 6th day I have a topic that is the bane of my existence, and the challenge has hit the fan so to speak.

And that folks is why this called a challenge ha ha!

Hmmmmmmm, tap out I must not, think on this I will.

Ok so here is the deal, everyone I have met or have yet to meet are valuable in shaping my life. Outside of that are the people, iconic historic figures and characters that have all influenced my life.

I can't just pick 5 people, it goes against my very fibre of who I am.

So it is Sunday, I send out and invite of intention to everyone I know, people I want to meet living and dead.

Then I would sit and wait for the first 5 people to show up, and that is who I would have for dinner. I mean share a meal with.

Is it crazy, nope not at all. Because what it means is the 5 most important people that walk through that door is who I need to talk to right now in my life, there messages will be the most important and value cause they made the effort to come and share a meal with me in a prompt manner.  

Outside of that is would just be that damn cool, and be so deeply entertaining that who cares honestly.

think about it, say it is my brother, James Bond, Elvis, John Wayne, and Edgar Allan Poe.

So that is it. A short Blog today folks.

Sandman has left the building

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