Sunday, 20 April 2014

HAWMC Day 20

Travel Time. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you
go? Why? We also know traveling with a chronic illness can be challenging, so
any tips for others that you can share would be great

Well been places, but you know cause I have no money and been to the places I want to go.

I am cool with staying local. I know O.O

Why cause it is an crazy to plan a road trip an hour away.

So it is life event to go anywhere more than a few hours away. Airports make me something something crazy.

So, I love to explore the places around me and that is ok cause I love exploring places.

With that said, issues of travel, medication worries, planning worries, worry worries, am I going to die, am I going to maim the customs people with their dumb questions.

I travel with my family cause I needz my safety blanket. I trust no one but my family and the people I travel with on road trips. Can't get any simpler than that.

The other reason is that Canada eh, it is a big country don't ya know eh!

So many places to go within only an hour of me it is wonderful really :)

So there is the short and skimpy on my travel time :)

Sandman Out.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that too, I like exploring locally, or Canada in general. It involves no air travel. . .*shiver*
    Good plan! Travelling locally, it IS always nice to be able to rest in your own bed :)
