Wednesday, 30 April 2014

HAWMC Day 28-30

Hello, Day Dreamers

So, I am behind and still can't get photos to work so I am instead doing a 3 for 1 catch up session.

This summer I will be catching up with friends starting new traditions getting into more balanced shape in mind soul and body.

I have always loved the great outdoors even if I did not always understand the awesome transcendence and peace that is being one with nature.

There is something very calming and peaceful about sitting in a forest just taking it all in. And that folks is what have been doing more of each of the last 6 years. It is my stress buster it is my real free therapy it grounds my for the chaos of the small town gossip and concrete hell of the big city.

I am free to be myself no tree or rock can tell me to be anything but me, millions of things to lean on for support and you fail and it does not cause you injury nothing cares.

To my young grasshopper self, you don't know what awaits you in the future, but please understand all you are worried about means nothing, make your choices you made and enjoy them even more than you know how.

I would change my direction in schooling to helping children rather than health care. Child care can be stressful but it won't take the same toll as health care will. Do keep in touch with your inner child you loose it and end up in a very dark place.

Yes Mom and Dad will get you eventually they are far cooler than you will ever give them credit for and you will end up teaching them rather them teaching you.

You will develop a crazy amount of friendships that will be very dear to your heart and painful when they leave.

Know this, whatever happens no matter the distance or time yes you do matter to people and they will remember you long after you forget them, your legacy was so profound by what you did in your childhood that it will ripple into and serve you well into being an adult.


You are far more amazing than you will ever even imagine, see and do things few people will ever do in their lives and you will reaper the experience and knowledge of this and it will give more courage to do what you must do in the coming years.

Ok don't worry about girls so much it is always a work in progress, your heart is a good one and well is so unique that it will take sometime before someone sees the richness that it is and lets you stay awhile. It is what it is don't sweat it.

I am writing to you cause you lose yourself in about 11 years and only find yourself again by the age of 35 it is ok you need this time to recreate yourself several times over.

Your thoughts and your words are your personal mark on this world you keep on thinking and writing words it will matter one day. In those lost years you stop using your voice and nearly fade away totally.

Hope is what it is even in a world that has no clue about what it knows about you. You get blessed with a profound and deep understanding of your inner self and then in touch with your inner child to see the beauty and wonder again in a rather bleak and oppressive world. You are part of those who break the mold of normal and blaze bravely forward on their own.

You are your own one person army and no one can stop or take that away. Go live the life you want.

That is all for me for now.

Sandman Out

1 comment:

  1. Brava :)

    Good blogpost, very good self advice. I know your teenaged self would have appreciated your insight.
